Use This Goal Setting Framework to WOOP your competition!

September 16, 2022

Use This Goal Setting Framework to WOOP your competition!

If you go to youtube and type in “motivational speaker,” chances are you will hear a bunch of people talking about goal setting, the importance of setting goals etc and don’t get us wrong, goal setting is awesome but you know what’s even better?   Goal achievement.   After-all, you can SET as many goals as you would like, but if you never achieve any of them, all they are is words on a piece of paper.    Today, we want to give you a simple system to help you not only set goals, but achieve them and WOOP your competition   No, we didn’t spell that wrong. WOOP Stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, Plan  
  • Wish-Pretty simple.You get handed a magic wand and can make anything you want possible, What is it? This should be something that is challenging but practicable (able to be done)
  • Outcome- this isn’t just the end result. Like lets say “i won X tournament” no kidding, we all can see that. This is the end result PLUS the benefits of doing so what would winning that tournament MEAN to you, How would that achievement impact your life?
  • Obstacles- What are the things INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY that will hold me back from achieving my goal?
  • Plan- How will you overcome the obstacles in front of you?
  So it will look something like:   WISH _______________________________ OUTCOME _______________________________ OBSTACLE _______________________________ PLAN If ___________________ then I will ___________________   The cool thing about this simple Framework is that you can use it for daily micro goals just as easily as you can use it for long term macro goals. So lets say your macro goal is winning that specific tournament, lets say, the pan am championships. As part of your goal of winning the Pan am championship you know you need to Strength Train 3x a week, you can use this framework for that scenario.   WISH: Get a lift in today  OUTCOME: to be stronger and more well conditioned than my opponents which will cause me to have more confidence OBSTACLE:Feeling tired after work PLAN: I will have my gym bag packed and in my car so I can drive directly to the gym and not stop home to prevent myself from my house.   One of the most important things about this exercise is that it’s not some “pie in the sky” type deal where you simply visualize, believe, and it will come true.   No.   This does a little of that but it also says “this isn’t going to be easy, you’re not only going to need to expect Adversity, you’re going to need to plan for it, and by having a plan, you can then know that although it might be challenging, you’re able to overcome it. And that’s where the real benefit of the framework comes in. Sure, it can help you identify your goals and that’s great, but lets be honest, you probably know what your goals are already at least in some aspect, but what this helps you do is identify the daily actions you need to take to actually ACHIEVE those goals   Give it a shot and get Started WOOP-ing your competition

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