Anyone who has trained Jiu-jitsu for any period of time, whether its 10 years or 10 days has experienced some version of the following:
You’re at a large family gathering, you mention that you have started or have been training in jiu-jitsu and all of a Sudden, Uncle Billy drops down into his best Bruce Lee stance, and unleashes a flurry of “Hi-ya” hands before motioning to “see what you got” or you’re out at a bar with your buddies and one of them starts telling one of the other patrons not to mess with you because you’re a “basically a lethal weapon “
Both cringeworthy and both extremely off base from what we do, especially at No Limits Grappling Academy
First, we aren’t like traditional martial arts schools, we don’t require you to bow to one another, you don’t need to call your coaches things like “Master,” “professor” or “Sensei”. Shoot, we don’t even wear gis (traditional martial arts uniforms with belts and Jackets), just a t-shirt or rashguard and shorts. In fact, what we do looks a lot more like a wrestling practice than what some people would consider traditional martial arts.
With that being Said, we’re also not Fight club.
We still embrace the same “Old school” values that all have been the foundation of all martial arts for centuries things like Discipline, respect, integrity, work ethic etc.
We believe in training hard but new athletes are never just thrown in the deepest part of the pool and told to swim. We progress you in a way that maximizes your learning ability, challenges you both physically and mentally, and gets you comfortable and acquainted with jiu-jitsu while not feeling beat up (we can’t promise you won’t be sore, but you won’t look like you were in line for the PS5 on Black Friday either)
The bottom line is No Limits isn’t an ancient Shaolin temple full of rules and mysticism nor is it full of back-alley brawlers who want to brag to their buddies about how tough they are. We are just a community of likeminded, hardworking individuals who push each other every single day to achieve their goals. If that sounds like a place you would like to be a part of..