Today is January 17th, 2022.
It is the day that we celebrate the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his impact on life and the world around us.
Random times throughout the day today as I was passing through the house or in my room, as a news program was either coming back from or going to commercial, they would play the iconic soundbite from that historic speech made from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th 1963, the soundbite where four simple words were strung together with such strength, power, and conviction that they not only reverberated down the steps and into the crowd, but they continue to reverberate throughout the annals of history
I have a dream
After hearing those words repeated multiple times today, I began to ask myself, “What is my dream?”
Now, I’m sure some of you who regularly consume any of the content we put out are probably going to say “here he goes, he’s gonna say stuff about world championships and competition again…
Well, yeah… sorta.
That is the goal to eventually have some of our athletes compete at the highest level and win big tournaments and all of that
Is that the dream though?
The dream is to create a world class environment of likeminded genuinely want individuals who love to be around each other, push each other, support each other, sacrifice for one another and genuinely want to see each other achieve their goals WHATEVER they may be
And that environment, that culture, becomes the thing that eventually helps to propel us further and further towards those championship aspirations.
See, the end results are cool, and we will get to where we want to be eventually, but the WORK of getting the right people, teaching the right techniques, navigating through the victories and the failures, the good times and the hard times, the victories and the setbacks…
That’s actually the dream…. And it continues everyday.