If you look at the best teams, the most successful organizations not only have strong core values, they also have a standard that they follow, Iowa wrestling has “Iowa style”, the New England Patriots have “the Patriot way”, The Raiders of the 1980s had a “commitment to excellence”
These types of things help to not only bond people together in mission they set the expectations of what is required of them to reach their goals.
With that being said, we would like to introduce what we’re calling “SilverbackStyle” Standards of excellence.
SilverbackStyle is:
1. Doing what I know I need to do rather than what I feel like doing.
2. Developing successful habits in practice, everything I do In practice both good habits and bad will not only impact me in practice but in life
3. The WAY i practice and Compete. HOW I practice and compete represents SilverbackStyle more than winning
4. Maximum commitment to perfecting technique. I commit to “do what I do” and pursue excellence in every position and situation both in practice and competition
5. Is a confidence that comes from putting myself in difficult situations and finding my way out
6. Being fully engaged in practice. Engagement means asking questions, working in drills, not taking multiple rounds off if healthy, helping teammates
7. When I feel discomfort, I push through it. Pushing through discomfort allows me to be successful in competition and life
8. Training for COMPOSURE in practice so I’m composed in competition and life. I control my emotions and refuse to let them beat me.
9. Sacrificing for my teammates and finding ways to make each other better
10. Having respect our gym, our coaches and our teammates and understanding each other’s needs
11. About maximum effort in every segment of my day because that will help to create an elite level training environment.
12. Speaking and acting with respect for others and our program in every relationship or circumstance regardless of scenario.