Scranton gym aims to end “useless” Martial arts argument

September 14, 2022

Scranton gym aims to end “useless” Martial arts argument

If you have trained Martial Arts, specifically any of the grappling arts; jiu-jitsu, wrestling, or judo long enough, chances are you have been apart of THE most useless argument in all of martial arts which is   Which one is better?   This has been argued on mats, online and let’s be honest, on barstools, by practitioners for centuries and the wrestlers say wrestling is the best, and the judoka say judo is the best, and the BJJ guys say jiu-jitsu is the best   And we end up with a whole Daffy/ Bugs “duck season/wabbit season” scenario that can seemingly go on forever.   At No Limits Grappling Academy we aim to end that useless argument by not giving you a choice. It’s the whole reason that our gym is named No Limits grappling academy instead of No Limits {insert specific martial art here} Academy.   Our style of training is heavily influenced by wrestling using the principles of takedown and control, but also has the dynamic submissions; chokes, armbars, joint locks of jiu-jitsu, and the high impact throws and foot sweeps of judo.   Why? Simple. Because they are effective.   Many times, people put so much focus on which art or sport is better, they tend to be closed minded to the techniques or lessons from other sports that can make them  better.    Our number one goal at No Limits is for all of our athletes to be “complete”, to not have any “holes in their game” and be proficient in all areas, standing up and on the ground, because we believe that this not only makes you a better competitor, it allows you to have more fun in training and if need be, be better able to defend yourself if the situation arises.   This open minded approach has also allowed us to be more conceptual in our teaching style showing how the different positions and techniques are more closely related than they are different. Conceptual teaching also allows our athletes the ability to “play” and experiment in different situations and broaden their “games’, by following principles rather than hard and fast rules.   To put things more simply; we tend to focus more on the agreement of technique over the argument for supremacy.   Now, Gi or No Gi is a completely different story �55357;�56898;   If you want to see how training at No Limits is an absolute augment ender  click here  to send us a message and we’ll be happy to get

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