No Limits Grappling Academy Core Values

October 5, 2022

The Bedrock of What we do.

A little bit ago, We posted a blog that said that nothing was more important than the culture that we are building at No Limits

And that remains true

just as important are our core values.. Because our core values are the things that our culture is built on.  They are our north star, our guiding light, every time we have a group of athletes on the mat  our core values are never far from our mind  but what are they? What can you as a new athlete expect from the coaching staff here and what do we want to help develop within you?

Here is the Breakdown:

Be passionate-
if you want to simplify that, “love what you do” Listen, we don’t like to lie, you’re not always going to like everything you do in training, but let that passion, that pursuit towards a bigger goal and the bigger picture carry you forward

Be Obsessive-
Here is one that trips people up. They see the word obsession and think that its a negative, that obsessed people aren’t healthy.


Obsession is not a negative or unhealthy thing. Our coaches are obsessed with seeing you improve as an athlete. We are constantly trying to find ways to help our athletes improve, understand and perform better. So Obsession is not necessarily a negative LONG AS you are obsessed with the right things. From an athlete’s perspective, that is things like:

  • Am i getting enough Sleep?
  • Is my nutrition dialed in?
  • Am I hitting all the little details on the technique?

These are the right things to be obsessed with because they are 100% within YOUR control.its when we get obsessed with things outside of our control like wins and losses or other people’s opinions that obsession becomes detrimental to our mental performance

Be Relentless-
Pursue your goals with your whole heart, whole soul, whole being and compromise for no one.

Be Resilient-
again, combat sports are challenging. Every day there will be things that test, you, frustrate you and maybe genuinely piss you off, You need to be stronger than your problems, persevere and come out the other side a better athlete and person for it.

Be Fearless-
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in training, get submitted, be vulnerable, look at everything, good or bad, positive or negative as an opportunity for growth, but don’t “play small” seek out adversity and meet it head on

We use these core values to not only build our gym, our culture, and our community but to build our athletes as competitors and as people.


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