Culture: the Most important thing at NLGA

September 14, 2022

Culture: the Most important thing at NLGA

“Culture” has become one of those kind of bastardized terms that people either know is important or have heard is important so they use it and use it a lot, without having a real understanding of what it is. The dictionary definition of culture is “the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group”
That’s a lot of words to basically say “it’s what we believe and it’s how we do things “so, with that being said what do we believe? And how do we do things at No Limits Grappling Academy?   Hard Work Those two words might be intimidating to some people reading this but here’s the thing, we don’t believe in BS’ing people. We talk about our style, our brand of grappling being a blend of wrestling, judo, and jiu-jitsu. These are 3 very challenging sports… annnnd… you WANT them to be why? Because results in any form; championships, weight loss, improved mindset, etc. Only come from challenging yourself daily.
So, we believe in hard work.
What does that look like?
Things like 1. Not taking multiple rounds of sparring in a row off 2. Being a good training partner not being a “wet noodle” but not trying to fight to the death every time you partner with somebody. 3). Paying attention in practice. Asking good questions 4) good attendance. Obviously, we want you here as much as you want/can but you aren’t required to be here 7 days a week either, but 2-3 days a week consistently is probably the sweet spot for most. The bottom line is you can’t expect consistent results with inconsistent effort. Anything worth having requires great effort, so hard work will always be the bedrock that NLGA is built on. Competition 
There’s another one of those scary words. When most people hear the word competition, they freeze up, they think about the bright lights of a tournament, a fight, some type of adversarial experience and it IS true. We encourage people to participate in tournaments, because of what we feel that competitions offer in terms of personal development but you’re NEVER forced to do a tournament, you can train with for 15 + years and never once step foot inside a tournament but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to compete. Competition takes many forms and we encourage all of them at NLGA.
External-  yes, this includes tournaments, but it also includes in the gym. It is our belief that Non Tournament Participants (NTP) should still look to push those that regularly compete in tournaments, constantly looking to raise the level of skill in the room.. This won’t happen overnight, everything is a process, but if you show up and consistently give your best effort, great things start to happen Internal- simple. In some way, shape, or form; look to “compete” with yourself to be better than you were the last time you stepped on the mat, these can be big things like nailing a new technique or small like 1 extra rep when you didnt really feel like it Simply put. Competition is just giving us your best effort, every time you show up for practice. If you do that, you have a place with us.
Grappling is 100% an individual sport… when you’re competing.. When you’re not, its the ultimate team sport. There’s only so much you can do on your own you need your training partners to get better. So you work hard for one another, because the better your training partners are, the better you are. This type of sacrifice for one another, willingness to help each other to reach goals, is something that isn’t seen in daily life much and builds a close knit camaraderie that you don’t always get with other sports or activities.  Fun
This doesn’t seem like it should go with the other 3 words above and while it’s true that we take grappling seriously, we want our athletes to get as good as they can as quickly as they can, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. 
“Guys, it’s just jiu-jitsu” is something you will frequently hear Coach Matt say when one of our athletes is getting increasingly frustrated. It’s also true we want our athletes to have a high standard and do as well as they can, but it’s all a process and things come in time. We want No Limits to be a place yes, you work hard, but in that hard work you can leave the stresses and pressures of everyday life behind, a place where you can drop your problems at the door and pick them back up on your way out. We like the music on, energy high, jokes and stories flying
It’s not just about training and hardwork.. It’s about helping you find the enjoyment in that training and hardwork to help you transform physically and mentally into the person you know you can be
Our blog on  The No Limits Dream , outlines Coach Matt’s vision for the gym. Our culture is the living embodiment of that vision on a daily basis and NOTHING is more important to us than that.  If our culture seems like something you would like to be apart of and You think we’d be a good fit for you and you for us Send us a message  here  or shoot us a text (570) 308-7111 and we’ll get you started!

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