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As much as life is beautiful, rewarding, fulfilling, and fun, I think we can also admit that it definitely can get crazy, chaotic hectic, and at times, downright overwhelming, and when that feeling of overwhelm starts to creep up on us, one of the first things that starts to suffer is all of the things we like to do like training jiu-jitsu or wanting to start training Jiu-jitsu if you haven't already. So, the real question becomes, “How can I fit jiu-jitsu into my already busy schedule”?
The answer might lie in having a solidly developed 168 plan:
It Is a time management strategy that refers to the idea that there are 168 hours in a week and it is an exercise that allows you to examine how intentional you are in maximizing those hours to their fullest potential. A 168 plan involves intentionally planning out how you will spend each of the 168 hours of the week ahead.
Everyone’s 168 plan will be different because, of course, they are your hours and nobody else’s but there are some key elements or questions to consider when developing your 168 plan. They include:
6am - Wake up, prayers/mediation
7am - Make breakfast
8am - Commute to work
9am - 5pm - Work
6pm - Jiu-jitsu
7:30pm - Make and eat dinner
9pm - Free time
10pm - Bed
6am - Wake up, prayers meditate
7am - Make breakfast
8am - Commute to work
9am - 5pm - Work
6pm - Make and eat dinner
9pm - Read
10pm - Bed
6am - Wake up,
7am - Make breakfast
8am - Commute to work
9am - 6pm - Work
6pm - Jiu-jitsu class
7:30pm - Make and eat dinner
8:30pm - Laundry and meal prep
10pm - Bed
6am - Wake up, exercise
7am - Make breakfast
8am - Commute to work
9am - 6pm - Work
6pm - Make and eat dinner
7pm - Free time
10pm - Bed
6am - Wake up, meditate
7am - Make breakfast
8am - Commute to work
9am - 6pm - Work
6pm - Jiu-jitsu open mat
7:30pm - Dinner out
9pm - Free time
10pm - Bed
8am - Wake up
9am - Morning walk
10am - Make breakfast
12pm - Meet friends for lunch
3pm - Grocery shopping
6pm - Cook dinner
8pm - Watch a movie
10pm - Bed
8am - Wake up, meditate
10am - Brunch
12pm - football
4pm - Nap
6pm - Cook dinner
8pm - Read
10pm - Bed
While the above might look like what you’re doing is planning out every second of every day, what you're doing is simply trying to identify and prioritize the things that are most important to you and discarding the nonessential things. It is important to remember to allow for flexibility and adjustments as necessary. You’re not a robot and planning and adjusting a vital parts of life. You just want to make sure your getting as many of the things you have identified as nonnegotiables in as you can.
If you’re in the Scranton Area, and interested in starting your jiu-jitsu training with us at No Limits Grappling Academy, we have practices in the mornings 3 days a week and in the evenings 4 days a week that can fit perfectly into most anyone’s 168 plan
your free first training session here
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